Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder treatment offered throughout California

Bipolar Disorder

Millions of adults in the United States struggle with bipolar disorder, which causes unexpected and intense changes in mood and energy. At her telehealth practice in La Jolla, California, Sylvia Cartwright, MD, provides integrative and inclusive care for people with bipolar disorder. Dr. Cartwright helps professionals throughout California regain balance and well-being through science-based, integrative, and individualized treatment plans. Call today or schedule a consultation online. 

What does it mean to have bipolar disorder?

Having bipolar disorder means you experience intense and sudden changes in mood that affect your energy and behavior. The mood changes swing from feeling very excited and happy to very low and sad. 

These changes are called mood episodes and include:

Manic episodes

Manic episodes cause feelings of excitement and euphoria and high levels of energy. The elevated mood is difficult to control, leading to irritability, restlessness, and racing thoughts.

Hypomanic episodes also occur. These episodes cause a boost in energy and mood, but don’t affect normal function.

Depressive episodes

During a depressive episode, your mood and energy are low. You feel sad and have little interest in engaging in any type of activity.

Bipolar disorder is a chronic condition, but with the right treatment you can live a fulfilling and active life. 

My manic episodes are rare. What are the types of bipolar disorder?

Manic episodes are part of bipolar disorder, but you don’t have to have them frequently or severely to have the mental health condition.

Dr. Cartwright classifies the mood disorder into a type based on symptoms, including:

Bipolar I disorder

People with bipolar I disorder have at least one manic episode that lasts at a week or requires inpatient care. They also have depressive and hypomanic episodes. 

Bipolar II disorder

Bipolar II disorder causes hypomanic and depressive mood episodes. Though the mania is less severe, people with this type may experience severe and prolonged depressive episodes. 


Cyclothymia is a chronic mood disorder in which a person experiences high and low moods that aren’t as long or severe. 

When should I seek help for bipolar disorder?

You should seek help from Dr. Cartwright if you have bipolar disorder and your current treatment isn’t working, or you have mood changes that make it difficult to function.

Dr. Cartwright completes a thorough diagnostic evaluation to formulate a diagnosis and create a treatment plan. She also does pharmacogenomic testing to personalize your medication management plan.

What treatments can help stabilize my mood disorder?

Dr. Cartwright creates an individualized treatment plan based on what she uncovers during the evaluation. Taking an integrative approach, treatment for your mood disorder may include therapy, medication management, and lifestyle changes (balanced diet, regular exercise, and good sleep habits).

For expert bipolar disorder care from a compassionate and skilled psychiatrist, call Sylvia Cartwright, MD, today or book an appointment online.